Title: 1/2 to FTL White Oak Unfinished Flooring 3-1/4 or 4" #1Com
Product: Unfinished Flooriing
Species: White Oak
Product Quantity: 1/2 to FTL
3/4 x 3-1/4 or 4"
Grade: #1Com
Shipping Info: ***
Delivery Information: FOB supplier
Potential: Will definitely purchase and need to find a supplier
Timespan: Month
Buyer Type: Distributor
Buyer looking for 3/4 x 3.1/4 or 4" #1Com White Oak flooring, well made, TL or half TL for stock.
It is not a unique product so it is all about price
RFQ Status:
This RFQ is closed. The buyer may have purchased.