Title: T/L Monthly Softwood Dimension Lumber KD S4S 1x6 & 8#2 Grade
Product: Softwood Dimension Lumber
Product Quantity: T/L Monthly
1x 6 & 8 x 12'
Grade: #2Com
Shipping Info: ***
Delivery Information: FOB Supplier
Potential: Ongoing purchase, looking for additional suppliers
Timespan: Ongoing
Buyer Type: Manufacturer
Buyer looking for one truckload monthly softwood 1x S4S dimension lumber.
KD or appx 8%-12%
Fir, Pine Spruce Etc No Longleaf.
Nominal 6's and 8's with some random. 12' lengths ideal, other lengths considered. One+ t/l per month ongoing.
RFQ Status:
This RFQ is currently open.