Title: 138,000 bdft Resawn Reclaimed Timbers Mixed Hardwoods Oak/Ash Preferred 4", 6" & 8" #2/Btr
Product: Resawn Reclaimed Timbers
Species: Mixed Hardwoods
Product Quantity: 138,000 bdft
4x6 to 8x12
Grade: #2/Btr
Shipping Info: ***
Delivery Information: FOB Supplier
Potential: Will definitely purchase and need to find a supplier
Timespan: ASAP
Buyer Type: Builder/Architect/Contractor
Soouthern US buyer looking for 138,000Bd/ft Mixed Hardwood, #2 and better. Oak/Ash preferred. Order can be resawn from reclaimed. Partial orders by line OK. Looking for abut 18% MC.
6x12 x16ft- 480 pcs
6x12 x17ft- 160 pcs
4x6 x18ft- 1440 pcs
8x12 x12ft- 160 pcs
4x6 x 6ft- 640 pcs
RFQ Status:
This RFQ is closed. The buyer may have purchased.