Title: 90 Douglas Fir Reclaimed Timbers Circle Sawn No Paint Brown Patina 6x8 & 12x12
Product: Reclaimed Timbers
Species: Douglas fir
Product Quantity: 90 timbers
6x8 and 12x12
Shipping Info: ***
Delivery Information: FOB Supplier
Potential: Just pricing, will purchase if we get the job/order
Timespan: 2-3 weeks
Buyer Type: Broker/Import/Export
Buyer in Midwest US looking for 90 Douglas Fir reclaimed timbers. No paint, brown patina. Circle Sawn
6x8- 60 at 8' & 12 at 10'.
12x12- 12 at 8' & 6 at 12'
RFQ Status:
This RFQ is closed. The buyer may have purchased.