Title: 3,600-4,000 bdft SYP Reclaimed Lumber Brown Patina Circle Sawn 4/4 or 8/4
Product: Reclaimed Lumber
Species: SYP
Product Quantity: 3,600-4,000 bdft
4/4 or Full 8/4 x 8-9" up to 12' Long
Shipping Info: ***
Delivery Information: FOB Supplier
Potential: We have a supplier but our needs are not being met
Timespan: ASAP
Buyer Type: Manufacturer
East Coast US buyer looking for up to 4,000 bdft SYP reclaimed lumber, 4/4 or 8/4. Brown interior patina w/ circular sawn marks
Denailing preferred but not required
Target Price: $1500/M, FOB Supplier
RFQ Status:
This RFQ is currently open.