Title: Monthly Truckloads Reclaimed Lumber Mixed Species & Sizes OK
Product: Reclaimed Lumber
Species: Pine & Hardwoods
Product Quantity: Monthly T/Ls
Shipping Info: ***
Delivery Information: FOB Supplier
Potential: Ongoing purchase, looking for additional suppliers
Timespan: 2-3 weeks
Buyer Type: Manufacturer
Southern US buyer looking for a monthly truckload of reclaimed lumber mixed sizes & species.
Pine rough sawn siding
2x4 & 4x4 Oak
Hardwood as follows:
1-4" x 5"+ width
Beams 6"+.
2x4 & 4x4
Looking for predominantly oak, but will accept some mix hardwoods (hickory, beech, ash, maple)
$1 to $1.40 bdft
RFQ Status:
This RFQ is currently open.