Title: T/L Softwood Reclaimed Joists 2x & 3x
Product: Reclaimed Joists
Species: Softwood
Product Quantity: T/L
2x & 3x
Shipping Info: ***
Delivery Information: Perkasie PA
Potential: We have a supplier but our needs are not being met
Timespan: ASAP
Buyer Type: Woodworker
Buyer looking for truckload of 2" thick softwood joists. 2" by 8, 2" by 10", 2" by 12" and 3" by 12". Nothing over 2" thick except for 3 by 12" and nothing under 8" wide. Pine, hemlock, fir or spruce. No yellow pine or heartpine.
RFQ Status:
This RFQ is currently open.