Product: Reclaimed Grey Barn Siding
Species: Hardwood
Product Quantity: 1,000 bdft
3/4"+ x 8"-11"
Shipping Info: ***
Delivery Information: FOB Supplier
Potential: Just pricing, will purchase if we get the job/order
Timespan: 2-3 weeks and then ongoing
Buyer Type: Lumber Yard/Retail
Midwest buyer looking for hardwood weathered gray barn siding 3/4"+ thick. Can be short pieces but needs to be 8" - 11" wide, most being 10" - 11". It will be cut down to 10" - 13" lengths so short pieces are ok. Looking for 1000 b/f to start but if all goes well we will be needing 3000 feet regularly.
RFQ Status:
This RFQ is closed. The buyer may have purchased.