Title: 600 sqft Heartpine Reclaimed Flooring T&G Back Relief 70+% VG ~6" #1Grade
Product: Reclaimed Flooring
Species: Heartpine
Product Quantity: 600 sqft
3/4" x approx 6" wide
Grade: #1Grade
Shipping Info: ***
Delivery Information: Philadelohia, PA
Potential: Will definitely purchase and need to find a supplier
Timespan: asap
Buyer Type: Builder/Architect/Contractor
Buyer looking for 600 sqft #1 grade Heartpine reclaimed flooringapproximately 6" wide.
-T&G with stress relief grooves
70+ % quartersawn vertical grain
Moisture content 10% or less
RFQ Status:
This RFQ is closed. The buyer may have purchased.