Title: 4 Cypress Beams KD S4S 6"x6" x 22.5' Clear Minimal Knots
Product: KD S4S Beams
Species: Cypress
Product Quantity: 4 beams
6"x6" x 22.5'
Grade: Clear with Minimal Knots
Shipping Info: ***
Delivery Information: FOB Supplier
Potential: Just pricing, will purchase if we get the job/order
Timespan: 8 weeks
Buyer Type: Woodworker
Buyer in Maryland looking for a quote on four 6"x 6"x 22.5' long Cypress beams kiln dried and S4S.
Clear with minimal knot's.
Am willing to accept quotes on southern yellow pine in place of the cypress as well.
RFQ Status:
This RFQ is currently open.