Title: 200 bdft Red Pine Lumber KD S2S 1-7/8" #1Com
Product: KD S2S Lumber
Species: Red Pine
Product Quantity: 200 bdft
8/4 x 3"-10"
Grade: #1Com
Shipping Info: ***
Delivery Information: Mineral Point, WI
Potential: Just pricing, will purchase if the price is right
Timespan: As soon as accepted and available. Am flexible.
Buyer Type: Builder/Architect/Contractor
Buyer looking for 200 bdft 8/4 Red Pine KD lumber S2S to 1-7/8".
100 bd ft 10’
100 bd ft 8’
Can adjust quantity upward somewhat if needed.
RFQ Status:
This RFQ is closed. The buyer may have purchased.