Title: 13,000 Linft White Pine Lumber KD S1S SLR1E 4/4x6.25" D/Btr
Product: KD S1S SLR1E Lumber
Species: White Pine
Product Quantity: 13,000 Linft
4/4 x 6.25" Heavy 12'-16'
Grade: D/Btr
Shipping Info: ***
Delivery Information: FOB Supplier
Potential: We have a supplier but our needs are not being met
Timespan: Now
Buyer Type: Cabinet Mfctr
Buyer in Virginias looking for 13,000 linear feet White Pine lumber 4/4x6.25". KD S1S SLR1E
ASAP Have monthly need of 8k to 12k linear feet
RFQ Status:
This RFQ is closed. The buyer may have purchased.