RFQ Number: 541621
Original Submit Date: 09/22/20
Title: 120 bdft Alder Lumber KD Rough 4/4 Knotty & Premium
Product: KD Rough Lumber
Species: alder
Product Quantity: 120 bdft
Grade: Knotty and Premium

Shipping Info: ***
    Delivery Information: Chattanooga , TN
    Potential: Will definitely purchase and need to find a supplier
    Timespan: Project to start in about 5-6 weeks

Buyer Type: Woodworker

Buyer in Tennessee looking for 120 bdft of 4/4 KD Alder lumbrer. 30-40 bd ft can be knotty and I need those to be 8ft. The remainder premium and can use 7ft. Can pick up within 50 miles of Chatanooga TN

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