Title: 2,000 bdft Walnut Circle Sawn Lumber KD Rough 4/4 FAS & #1Com
Product: KD Rough Lumber
Species: Walnut
Product Quantity: 2,000 bdft
Grade: FAS, #1Com
Shipping Info: ***
Delivery Information: FOB Supplier
Potential: We have a supplier but our needs are not being met
Timespan: asap
Buyer Type: Manufacturer
Buyer in Virginias looking for about 2000 board feet of KD circle sawn 4/4 Walnut lumber. Preferred grade is FAS but could take some in 1 common. Random width and random lengths but need a good bit of this in 8' plus if possible. Need asap.
RFQ Status:
This RFQ is currently open.