Title: Up to 5,000 bdft Walnut Lumber KD Rough 12/4 #1Com, Sel/Btr or FAS
Product: KD Rough Lumber
Species: Walnut
Product Quantity: Upto 5,000 bdft
12/4 x 5"/Wider x 8-10'
Grade: #1Com, Sel/Btr or FAS
Shipping Info: ***
Delivery Information: FOB Supplier
Potential: Ongoing purchase, looking for additional suppliers
Timespan: ASAP
Buyer Type: Sawmill
Midwest US buyer looking for up to 5000 bf of 12/4 rough sawn kiln dried Walnut lumber with minimal sapwood. 1C, S&B, or FAS. Prefer 8-10' lengths
Minimum 5" width with a good mix of 10"+ helpful.
RFQ Status:
This RFQ is currently open.