RFQ Number: 521051
Original Submit Date: 02/20/20
Title: One or Two Western US Species Dovetailed Log Stack Barn or Cabin
Product: Hewn Log Stack Barn or Cabin
Species: Douglas Fir or Western Pine
Product Quantity: 1 or 2 structures


Shipping Info: ***
    Delivery Information: FOB Supplier
    Potential: Other, please specify in the next section
    Timespan: Anytime

Buyer Type: Lumber Yard/Retail

Western US builder looking for a Hand Hewn log stack barn(s) or cabin(s) approx 22'x 55'x 9'tall. Would consider combining 2 structures to get quantity of Hewn logs needed. Logs must be 2 sided original, significantly aged with relatively small hewn face size of 5"-9". Dove tailed corners are a priority. The overall diameter of the logs needs to be less than 12". Species preferred would be of western US origin (Fir and or western pine).

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