Title: 500-800 pcs Honey Locust Timbers/Cants Green Rough 8x8, 10x10 or 12x12
Product: Green Rough Timbers/Cants
Species: Honey Locust
Product Quantity: T/Ls
8" x 8" x 12'
10' x 10" x 12' or
12" x 12" x 12'.
Shipping Info: ***
Delivery Information: FOB Supplier
Potential: Will definitely purchase and need to find a supplier
Timespan: 30 days or less
Buyer Type: Reseller
Northeast US buyer looking for 500-800 pieces green Honey Locust timbers either 8" x 8" x 12', 10' x 10" x 12' or 12" x 12" x 12'.
Approx 50,000 bdft depending on size
RFQ Status:
This RFQ is currently open.