Offer to Sell

WoodPlanet Offer to Sell (OTS): 774939
Title:4/4 Old Growth Heartpine Joists 1000 bd ft
Updated: 11/23/20
Offer Description:
2”x10”x21’ old growth heart pine floor joists that were salvaged from a building built in the mid to late 1800s in Eastern KY. Tight 7+ ring pattern. Boards are straight and have no visible nails but has not been metal detected. Would be ideal for furniture making or flooring.

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Minimum Order1000 bd ft

Seller's Information
Company:RoughCutReclaimed  [supplier profile]
Rating: -Not Yet Rated-   Rate this Supplier
Shepherdsville , KY
Contact:John Hammond
Phone: 5026459649
Please note this is a historical OTS that is no longer actively posted. To contact this seller, please call them directly.

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