Offer to Sell

WoodPlanet Offer to Sell (OTS): 795770
Title:10,000 bf of American Chestnut
Updated: 05/05/21
Offer Description:
Currently reclaiming an all Chestnut Barn on the Clinch River, near Kyles Ford, TN. A partial list of materials is as follows: 4000 BF of 10' siding in mostly wide boards 8-12", 285' LF of base beams 7 1/2 x 5, 12 ea. 6 1/2x6x25' columns 12 ea. 6x6x20' columns, 6 ea. 5x2 1/2x20' braces, 150 ea. 2x4x14' 50 ea. 2x4x12', 360' LF 2x6x14', plus many other sizes

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Minimum Order200 bf

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Seller's Information
Company:Michael L Hayes Gen. Cont.  [supplier profile]
Rating: -Not Yet Rated-   Rate this Supplier
greeneville, TN
Contact:Mike hayes
Phone: 4234700807
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