Request For Quote. This is an inquiry from a buyer looking to purchase the material below.
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RFQ Number: 791397
Date: 09/11/24
Product: Lumber
Product Quantity:


Delivery Information:***
   FOB Supplier
Potential: Will definitely purchase and need to find a supplier
Timespan: asap

Buyer Type: Lumber Yard/Retail
Buyer Contact Information:
Free members, please respond to this RFQ below. You may need to log in or register. Only paying members have instant access to the buyer's contact information. To learn more about our paid memberships, click here.

Looking for oak barn threshing.
***If there is not enough information on delivery location, please quote FOB Your Mill. Featured Companies: more detailed delivery information will be displayed (if the buyer provided this information) if you choose to View Buyer Contact. Please note that this counts as a Response.

I'm Sorry.
Wild Card RFQs are only available to Bronze, Silver or Gold Featured Companies.

What is a Wild Card RFQ?
A Wild Card RFQ is a Request-For-Quote that isn't fully qualified. These RFQs are missing information that may be required to provide a price quote, or are missing contact information. Some of these requests are legitimate serious requests from buyers, but the buyers did not provide enough information and did not respond to our inquiry for more information. We realize that many of these requests could be good potential sales for some suppliers, and are extending the opportunity to respond to these buyers to our Bronze, Silver and Gold Featured Companies.
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