Northeast Hardwood Supply
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  Species List
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  Business Types


Smyrna, NY

  • Brown Ash
  • Butternut
  • Cherry
  • Hard (unselected for color) Maple
  • Hard (white) Maple
  • Red Oak
  • Tulipwood Poplar
  • Walnut
  • White Ash
  • White Oak
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  • Air Dried, Rough Lumber
  • Air Dried, Surfaced Lumber
  • Exterior Decking
  • Kiln Dried, Rough Lumber
  • Kiln Dried, Surfaced Lumber
  • Kiln Drying
  • Moulding, Solid
  • Paneling
  • Siding
  • Solid rounds & dowels
  • Stair Parts
  • Unfinished Flooring
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  • Flooring Manufacturers
  • Kilns, Drying Services
  • Retail Lumberyards
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