Offer to Sell

WoodPlanet Offer to Sell (OTS): 900029
Title:T/L’s of Original growth fir decking 3.5”x7”x9.5’
Updated: 10/21/24
Offer Description:
Beautiful original growth Douglas fir decking reclaimed from Historic Kentucky tobacco warehouse. This decking is 3 1/2” thick x 7” wide x 9 1/2’ long. Beautiful patina on both faces and very tight grain for vertical grain 3” or 6 1/2” new flooring, decking, ceilings, or other applications. Also available in solid or engineered flooring (see photos). There is 50,000 board feet available. This material has always been in a warehouse and not in the weather. Located in central KY.

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Minimum OrderTruckload orders only
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Seller's Information
Company:Old World Timber  [supplier profile]
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