Offer to Sell

WoodPlanet Offer to Sell (OTS): 900020
Title:African Mahogany Logs
Updated: 10/21/24
Offer Description:
We are plantation owners of approximatly 30000mt of African Mahogany grown here in Australia, we are offereing 2 x bulk shipments of 15000 of log loaded Darwin Port Australia. Buyer needs to be able to accept logs from 12cm SED and up with majority of logs being 16cm SED. Logs supplied will be mixed grade from pulp to A grade. Lengths from 2.5m long to 5m long. We welcome any inspection prior to harvesting. Please direct contact for more details. Note we are not traders or brokers we are plantation owners.

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Minimum Order15000MT

Seller's Information
Company:BWD Trading Acct Pty Ltd  [supplier profile]
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