Offer to Sell

WoodPlanet Offer to Sell (OTS): 899998
Title:Hand Hewn 20'x32' Corn Crib Timber Frame
Updated: 10/11/24
Offer Description:
Offer Description: 20' x 32' (640 SF) with (4) bents. All hand-hewn beams, except eaves, are oak. Eaves are sycamore. Nominal 8x8 posts. 8/12 Roof Pitch. 1. Frame Tagged & Measured prior to dismantle 2. CAD drawings provided showing footprint and placement of beams, 4-exterior elevations, elevations of each Bent frame, and eave beams. 3. Dismantled and returned to our shop for re-conditioning. 4. Clean, repair/ or replace with like kind as needed on the frame to insure integrity. 5. Heat treatment in kiln to eradicate insects. 6. Provide all new oak pegs. 7. Consultations by us as needed with your architect or builder for a smooth transition and re-erection on your site. 8. In general, will have frame ready to re-erect on owner’s site. 9. Shipping by Purchaser/ FOB Flora, IN 46929 Inquire for price, more pictures, or to discuss scope

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Seller's Information
Company:Midwest Lumber Company  [supplier profile]
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