Offer to Sell

WoodPlanet Offer to Sell (OTS): 899977
Title:80,000 board feet of reclaimed Hardwood Angelim
Updated: 10/07/24
Offer Description:
We have about 80,000 board feet still in stock. We have recently gotten in about 100,000 board foot of Angelim. It is a hardwood from South America. It is very dense and very durable. The pieces measure 1 1/2" x 6" x 11'+ and is tongue and groove. It has a nice weathered gray on the outside and beautiful graining on the inside. We have milled it, made it into table tops and used it as is. We have not had issues with working with it. Let me know if you are interested in more info on some or all of it. We are pricing it to move, I need my yard back! Reach out with any questions and for pics or samples. Thanks, Andy

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Company:All American Reclaim  [supplier profile]
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